Find in this section all frequently asked questions about converting images, videos and office documents.

How long does it take to convert documents?

The document conversion time is very fast, usually;

  • a few seconds for image files (png, jpg)
  • a few seconds for office files (word, powerpoint) and pdf
  • less than a minute for video transformation

Is it possible to add options or a new format in the bikub converter tools?

Yes it’s possible. just ask us with the contact form. the bikub contact form

What formats are supported for creating slideshows?

You can import jpg, jpeg, png files to create slideshows. Create slideshows . Here is a sample documentation to create slideshow. documentation

Is possible to extract audio from video files?

Yes with bijub cenverter, by using the mp4 to mp3 converter: it will extract the video from the video files. Extract audio from video